sept 17 my school is a big fat douche bagegege

KMFDM. sigma. anyway our school is currently falling apart. the celing is gonna colapse tommorow. averege trip to bathroom is soap in the urinal and swastika and kill the jews written on the stalls. i cant wait to escape and go to a different school before we all die. i think the other school got sprayed or smth because the mascot is the indians. idrk. still better than this one. the teachers and principals are scary as fuck. i got sent to the office this one tim and the secretary was like "DIE MOTHERFUCKING FAG DIEEEEEEE". i hate the principal too. and the vice princpal. they don't do their jobs well and sit on their asses while everything falls apart around them. our education sucks. idk why im thinking about this but i am. the campus sucks. there was a lawsuit over the field for like 8 years and cost the school like 5 million dollars. so basically that resulted in slop being fed to the students. its actually a little better this year but improving on mystery meat and slop isnt a big accoplisment. we need help someone send help. we have to take fruit or smth which ends up getted thrown (douglas compresensive history coming soon...). its just a giant waste of food and money. oh and our band teacher is smartschoolboy9. hes a total pervert. and a weirdo. i remember in a past grade he almost got fired because someone played a note wrong then put a grape on the floor, said "this is you" then stepped on it. hes a freak. just gotta get through this fucking year... just stupid. thank you for reading my rant, idk why you would

sept 18 2024 rant 2 electric boogaloo

yello. i cant wait to graduate. i like my town but the old people are absolutly SOULESS. like zombies, which most people end up as so. i would rather die though. i think this is how every place is, but im not sure. ive lived here all my life. i like exploring the woods which less and less places have so. thats probably the one good thing beside my friends. i dont wanna leave them because they cool. i hate most people but some people are quite neeeeeat. dude some people make me so mad i wanna bomb the school (/j or maybe /srs hehe). i hope they get the plague. i cant do shit about them though. i just try to avoid them. minions look yummy. i wonder if someones jerked off to minions. maybe ill join the list. jfk pookie. fuck why am i saying random shit. and why are you still reading this its so boring. i really like industrial now. i hope NIN tours again i need to see trent reznors weird deformed greasy face. just like me:) the 6th graders at school this year are so damn plump. theyre either plump or blue haired lesbian furry werewolves. dude theres one on my bus and istg the bus went faster after she got off bc her weight was weighing the bus down. then theres this guy who im friends with. his fucking sister is named phoniex or smth and she is so damn weird. i think shes like a furry and shes like "Hi JuDaH, tHaTs RiGhT i KnOw AlL mY bRoThErS fRiEnDs NaMe hahahahahahahahahsuhdwhdiwuehfehnuj" i hate her so much. i think its the gen alpha taking control of peoples brains. its rotting it and everyone is becoming stupid. i cant be talking bc i think its funny but like. im not 100% stupid. then theres the furries in my class. theyre all just retarded. i hate her but whatever. i just would rather blow my fucking head off with a sawwed off shotgun then be near her. i think most people would rather kill her but shes just super mentally ill. like she needs help bad theres no shot shes ok. that still doesnt stop me from hating her but idk just gotta get through this year. hopefully next school will be better. just gotta survive without killing myself... but we will see ig.

sept 19

gon buy me som tec 9s and im gon shoot at sum gosh darn trees god damn it. sadly im under 18:( suckas total ass. i wanna legally drink vodka till i spontaniasly combust. that would be funny. dude alcholism is so mid though. addiction in general. i wish herion didn't fucking make your heart explode because id be shootin that shit every day! maybe i wont get addict. only one way to find out. anyway, my science teacher is really fucking scary. she looks like the keebler elf and acts like and angry garden gnome. shes strict and scary. shes like "your sentences are WEAK" GASPPPP. OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS IM SORRY ITS HARD TO WRITE 2 FUCKING SENTENCES ABOUT SOMETHING THATS LIKE LITERALEY THE BASIC ASS QUESTION OF HOW DOES ENERGY TRANSFER. WHEN I JERK OFF AND GRAB MY COCK IM TRANSFERING KINETIC ENERGY FROM MY HANDS TO MY DICK AND VICE VERSA. whatever. none of this shit matters anyway. and i have pretty bad seats too, but i gonna move in like a week and it doesnt matter anyway so idgaf. then i gotta do a mile run in gym on monday. dude im the skinnest weakest person there is. theres a reason my name is skinn. im fine with being skinny idrc but like i suck at all this gym stuff. and i like try to gain weight but i cant its queer. but whatever. i hate this and i cant wait to escape. i hate most things at this point. nothing matters anyway. sorry i became edgy at the end